2022-05-13 Quick Remcos Deobfusction

Summary ========= Decided that I would take a crack at trying to deobfuscate the VBScript that was in a sample of Remcos malspam since I haven’t been doing it for a long while. The VBScript can be found over at Any.Run inside a zip file (malspam attachment). I’ll do a post going over the analysis in the coming days since it seems pretty straight forward. The link to the scripts can be found at my Github. NOTE: Wherever there is a “&” it is meant to be just the & symbol. Analysis ========= The script is a LONG one and…

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2022-02-13 Breaking out the WD40! First Stage Downloader For Remcos RAT

It has been a while since I have played with any malware or tried to RE a script of some sort. So here goes nothing… Shout out to David Ledbetter for the assist. Solid work as usual! This post will cover the downloader script from a Remcos maldoc that I was playing with from the beginning of the month. The email itself was your standard fare – a Wells Fargo phishing email that had an Excel XLSB attachment that was encrypted. The Excel XLSB can be found over at Any.Run or over at my Github here. A special shoutout to…

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2020-09-22 Deobfuscating Emotet Script

Summary ========= In this post I am going to cover how I managed to to deobfuscate the macro for this Emotet (Epoch 2) sample. The maldoc can be found here. Analysis ========== With this, I started off with the tried and true OleTools suite to see if I could get anything from this sample. Unfortunately I got a lot of Python errors when trying to run this. I then tried to run it through OfficeMalscanner and got nothing back as well. Looking at the Word doc via “file” I could see that there was a macro in the file and…

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2020-07-31 Deobfuscating IcedID Macro Script

Summary ========= This is just a quick writeup of how I managed to get the macro script decoded out of what appears to be an IcedID malspam campaign based on what I am seeing from URLHaus and this tweet from @p5yb34m. The link to the artifacts for this can be found at my Github here. Analysis ========= I am a huge fan of Philippe Lagadec’s OleTools suite for maldoc analysis (thanks for the awesome tools). So if I am not using OfficeMalScanner on my Windows VM, then I am using olevba or one of the other tools in the OleTools…

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2020-07-17 ZLoader Malspam (Excel 4 Macros)

Summary ======== This is a late posting since I was originally playing with the malspam back on the 17th. In this case I was looking at some emails that were caught by the mail filters. Looking at the attachment in the email a little closer I noticed that this was one that I had not seen before but had read about on several different occasions – an Excel 4 macro. The interesting thing about this attack vector is the fact that it doesn’t rely on an embedded VB macro in the Excel spreadsheet per se, but uses the native built-in…

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2020-03-20 More Predator The Thief Malspam – Covid-19 Themed

Meta ===== From: *.xyz Subject: Various Covid-19 Attachment: covidXX_form.zip This looks to be related to Predator the Thief malspam based on the final script that gets executed which looks very close to the sample that I posted about over here. The zip file and VBScript can be found in my Github repo here. Here is the code in the actual VBScript. And then with it decoded (first pass). Which leads to this final code being runned on the system. Reference ========== – http://urlhaus.abuse.ch/browse.php?search=show1.website – http://malshare.com/search.php?query=d231d81538b16728c2e31c3f9e0f3f2e700d122119599b052b9081c2c80ecd5c – http://bazaar.abuse.ch/browse.php?search=d231d81538b16728c2e31c3f9e0f3f2e700d122119599b052b9081c2c80ecd5c – http://app.any.run/tasks/8f771d9c-355f-4262-bac0-0a1927f52222/ – http://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=Reverse(‘Character’)From_Base64(‘A-Za-z0-9%2B/%3D’,true)Remove_null_bytes()&input=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 Artifacts ========== Email hashes ————- 182a2cc132f77bacda747c8b36ae82d807e5a3cee01c734deb29f2598b992918 —— ahpwzh909165720504.eml b23c073099a90b2d42c12c05ed86b09fc8ca563b044a411db55a066ce717cb69…

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2020-03-18 Deobfuscation of MalDoc script – Possibly Predator the Thief

Meta ====== From: Debt Collections Agency Houston Subject: Collection letter for Account Identification number 021621495WZ Attachment: Word file I came across a piece of malspam that caught my eye. I did not try to run this since it was not responding in Any.Run and based on the results from URLHaus, the site was taken offline. Looking at VT and some other sites, I was not able to find any more information about this maldoc. The fun part with this one was trying to figure out what the macro was doing without having to execute it. Based on what I saw…

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2019-10-16 Emotet maldoc deobfuscated

This sample is from a batch of emotet emails that I found in the email filters back on Monday afternoon (2019-10-14). While all the documents had a different hash (attached to this write-up), the macro that was executed was the same. Based on the URLs found in this sample, this looks like it was from “epoch 2” of emotet as documented here. This write-up is to document how I managed to deobfuscate the macro script. Artifacts =========== Analysis ========= To make this easier, I decided to use OfficeMalScanner to get the files that contained the macro code. Looking at those…

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2019-08-23 WSHRat Javascript de-obfuscation

Special thanks to one of my colleagues and @nazywam on Twitter that helped me with this. The Twitter thread about this can be found here. To obtain the Javascript file, see the Any.Run link here. The other day (2019-08-20) while looking at caught emails in the SPAM folder, I came across this malspam that was referencing a request for quote (ala: RFQ). The email had an attachment to it that was Gzipped. Unzipping it I saw there was a nicely obfuscated Javascript file. Opening it up and looking through it, there was some clear text code that follows after a…

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2019-04-02 Interesting obfuscation from Emotet

So yesterday while going through the mail filters, I cam across this email: Looks to be pretty standard stuff to be honest. So the first thing that I did was run this through decalage2’s Vipermonkey to see if I could get at the macro script. Unfortunately Vipermonkey died and was not able to parse this file. So using Didier Stevens strings.py script (with the -L option to sort it from shortest to longest string) I was able to find the base64 script code. Here is the cleaned up version of the script: So everything up to this point seem to…

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